Price list:
House Specialties

Coming Soon! Tape-in extension services provide a natural and versatile look that can last up to three months with the proper care! Click here (live link) to see our care instructions. Tape-in services are done by appointment only, and a consult must be done in person to determine how many tapes you need, along with a color match. We sell hair on site, and we prefer to work only with the hair we sell because of the quality and endurance. Tape-ins can be removed, reinstalled, and retaped after the first wear – and our hair can last up to two-three installs with the proper care.

Full Tape-Ins (60-80 pieces) $250
Tape-in services include finish blow-out style.

Partial Tape-Ins (20-40 tape ins) $150
Tape-in services include finish blow-out style.

Wash and Prep $30
(hair must be extra clean and dry prior to install, the wash must occur in the salon)

Re-Tape of Hair $60
charge added to the install price.

Clip-In Install $25


$90 (old set, worn for at least five weeks)

$100 (fresh set, worn less than five weeks)